The activities of the project that will draft the ROADMAP towards the 2030 objectives for energy efficiency in buildings have officially started.

The Kick-off meeting that will officially launch the RES2 project activities will be held on September 12-13 in Rome. The initiative, led by IBIMI and funded by the European LIFE program, will produce a complete and updated ROADMAP for achieving the 2030 objectives for energy efficiency in buildings.

This is therefore a strategic project that will involve a broad network of public and private stakeholders at national level, updating the content of the previous Roadmap drafted in 2013 and capitalizing on the results of projects managed by partners at EU level (such as the ARISE project).

The work initiated by the Kick-off Meeting on September 12-13 will lead the 6 RES2 partners to achieve in the next year and a half:

  • EVENTS: workshops and Living Labs, which will provide all system actors the opportunity to discuss the serious lack of digital and green skills in the construction sector in Italy and above all to identify the best solutions to this problem;
  • INTERVIEWS WITH STAKEHOLDERS that will be collected and analyzed in a report published at the end of the project;
  • DESK AND FIELD ANALYSIS REPORTS, with complete data on the state of the art of the needs for renovation/energy efficiency of the Italian building stock, on the sectoral training offer and on the strategic professional figures for the market;
  • DEFINITION OF NEW PROFESSIONAL FIGURES, with strategic digital and green skills for the development of the sector and for achieving the objectives of the 2030 Agenda;
  • Lastly, drafting of the ROADMAP TOWARDS THE 2030 AGENDA: the comprehensive document that will define the actions to be taken and the funds needed to bridge the digital/green skills gap in the construction sector and achieve the 2030 objectives for energy efficiency in buildings.

All this with particular attention, on every occasion, to the issue of gender equality, in the awareness that the objectives of the 2030 AGENDA can only be achieved if the problem of the very low female presence in the world of construction is also resolved.

The project has already set up a NEWSLETTER service: stakeholders interested in receiving timely updates on new initiatives and published reports can now subscribe to the mailing list from the dedicated section of the website – .